Monday, May 10, 2010


WELCOME TO YOG BLOGSPOT! I'm John, and this is the inaguaral post of a blog devoted to the works and influence of H.P. Lovecraft and his circle, as well as writers and artists of weird and supernatural fiction, science-fiction and fantasy, and other subjects of the fantastic and outre.

Additionally, this blog is intended to serve as a sort of portal, or hub, if you will, of fellow writers and artists interested and actively working on the memory and conservation of Lovecraft's works, including the H.P. Lovecraft Amateur Press Association, THE ESOTERIC ORDER OF DAGON.

I will begin posting shortly. In the meantime, please feel free to leave a comment, express your reaction by checking one of the boxes at the bottom of each post, or email me from the "About Me" sidebar option. If you are new to BlogSpots and are perplexed by the sign on function in order to leave a comment, I recommend joining GOOGLE. It's easy and it offers the user a flexibility to enjoy not only this BlogSpot, but the content of limitless others, including many more devoted to Lovecraft, in the way-out, cosmic world of the blogosphere!